Dog adopts orphaned cheetah cubs after their mother pass away (Video)
After 5 cheetah cubs out of place their mom willow following a prayer c-section .
we stuck the babies are doing much better with the help of a dog who is acting alike their surrogate.
Not too long ago the cincinnati zoo resident nursery better half to all kid animals has providing steady snuggling and comfort to the now not too way back orphaned cheetah cubs
the premature cuties are being bottle fed each and every 3 hours and being closely monitored the domestic dogs first mission as surrogate is allowing the cubs to climb on him to lend a hand assemble muscle toning and to get their our our bodies transferring
since the cubs continue to expand blakeley will act as their place model that’s the number one cheetah cub that blakeley has raised two years up to now he cared .
for Savannah after her mom would possibly most probably sure is a specific pop and is helping lift any animals in need at the zoo.